Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I have to admit it, I pirate movies using bit torrent clients.
There are so few new ideas in the media world today.  Start a movie playback - instant stuff we've already seen a dozen or so times, cliche.
I can't see paying for something until I know if it is something I really want.  I'll go to a live film if I know enough about it and I'll buy it when it comes out for my collection.  I'll want to show it at home to others sometime later.  But so many films out these days are so predictable or they have political messages I do not agree with, torrenting seems the best way to see if they are good enough to keep.
So many I download, watch for 5 minutes or less and then delete them!  I download with torrent lots of free Public Domain stuff, great quality and you know exactly what you are getting.
I have no idea if torrenting is illegal in the country I live in or not, I'll continue to use the tool to test if a movie is good or not.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Looking in the grocery store for mustard today.  Seems like I find only ordinary yellow.  I'll bet the good stuff will be in the beauty supplies department/isle!

Monday, August 5, 2019

I'm Right

This is my opinion, I am solely responsible for it. 
Be careful how you respond, YOU might be proving my point.

Yesterday, Associated Press and others made headlines (to profit, I guess) showing a sensible post on Twitter by StarTalk host Neil deGrasse Tyson:

In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings. On average, across any 48hrs, we also lose… 500 to Medical errors 300 to the Flu 250 to Suicide 200 to Car Accidents 40 to Homicide via Handgun Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data.

I have no argument with this post. It is eye opening, informative and puts things in perspective. Why is it making everyone on the LEFT crazy. They know the host in person and see in his brain malicious intent?
This guy is stating facts (I hope) that should cause people to think. He's a scientist stating obvious facts. This is what scientists are expected to do.
He says "In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings." to acknowledge the situation, isn't that enough?

People should intelligently argue the facts, not rant and rave and turn the subject to emotional content that only serves the media and politicians.

Reading and following news headlines are blinding most people to actual states and desensitizes them to every day occurrences.